Our Commitment to Privacy
Arcview Capital, LLC (“Arcview”) is committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and security of personal and confidential information about our current and prospective clients and the issuers who hire us. We are proud of our privacy practices and want you to know how we protect this information and use it to maintain our relationship with you.
We train our employees on the appropriate handling of personal information. When we use other companies to provide services, we require them to protect the information we provide. Arcview constantly assesses the digital threats landscape and ensures appropriate and proportionate mitigation is in place. By using a ‘common sense’ approach to security, and implementing collaborative security procedures, we can reduce information risk to our customers.
Failure of an Arcview employee to properly handle personal or confidential information will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
The privacy policies of Arcview are reviewed annually. Our printed and online notices are then updated to reflect any changes.
Arcview Capital Privacy Policy
How and why we obtain personal information
Arcview takes great care to protect personal information about you and when we use it, we do so with respect for your privacy. We may use personal information about you to respond to inquiries from you or you representative; develop offer and deliver products or fulfill legal and regulatory requirements. Arcview may collect public and non-public personal information about you from any of the following sources:
• You or your representative on applications or forms (e.g., name address, social security number, income)
• Other interactions with Arcview
• Information from other third-party data services (e.g., to verify your identity)
• You and your representative regarding your preferences for document delivery
How we protect information about you
Arcview considers the protection of personal information to be the foundation of customer trust and a sound business practice. We employ physical, electronic, and procedural controls and we regularly adapt these controls to respond to changing requirements and advances in technology.
At Arcview, we restrict access to personal information to those who require it to develop, support, offer and deliver products to you.
How we share information about you with third parties
Arcview does not share personal information about our customers with unaffiliated third parties for use in marketing their products or services. We may share personal information with the following entities:
• Unaffiliated service providers
• Government agencies, other regulatory bodies, and law enforcement officials
How we share information about you within Arcview
We may share personal information about you with various Arcview corporate affiliates including internal service providers which perform, for example, printing, mailing and data processing services.
Information collected from investment professionals’ customers is not shared with Arcview affiliates for marketing purposes, except with your consent, and as allowed by law.
Privacy online
Privacy, security, and service in our online operations are just as critical as the rest of our business. Arcview employs all the safeguards described previously, along with the following Internet-specific practices.
Arcview does not track user behavior on our websites for the purposes of providing targeted advertising. We do not currently use technology on this website that recognizes “do not track” requests that users may set in their internet browser.
Accordingly, to the extent provided herein, users of the Arcview website will have their actions tracked, logged, and/or recorded as indicated herein even if “do not track” requests are included in your internet browser configuration.